Tuesday, March 21, 2006

chem test

argh. i screwed up chemistry test. but i suppose i only have myself to blame since i didnt really study much. but who cares. its not counted. i suppose i should work harder if i want to get good grades. hope mr wong wont like give me chem remedial. i do understand the core concepts but maybe my answering techniques need some polishing. just hopw i can pass.

had great fun at xbox today with vivek. played def jam. him and his damned snoop dog keep trashing me. but at least now i now sufficient combos to pose a challenge to his skill. pity jheeva didnt come and play. after that went viveks house to finish bio. his mum was very nice to me.

tomorrow got training. really love trainings these days. but ken keep suanning me. must find some counter-suanning and hope he wont kill me or something. haha.

and for my faithful readers, fear not. an extra long entry 28 is coming your way! that is after i finish all my holiday homework. heheh.

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